Full-Service Software Solution

Lumetics LINK™ is a powerful solution for creating a bridge between API capabilities, developing Machine Learning models, implementing automatic S Factor optimization, and morphological parameters filters.

Lumetics Services

Lumetics LINK™ is a software solution designed to manage sample datasets from the moment they are produced by instrumentation through to comprehensive report generation. LINK operates by searching network locations for instrument data files, extracting all useful information (including raw curve data and images), applying requisite sample metadata, and copying this data to a centralized database. LINK provides an interface for dynamically querying the database and interrogating data – in real time. This UI is utilized to save analysis, visualization, and reporting templates that may be utilized to fully automate data management and analysis processes.

LINK experts are experienced contract developers with sheer expertise in creating LINK methods tailored perfectly to diverse needs and business models. Our developers know what it takes to create outstanding LINK-based protocol to automate your workflow.

Whether you are seeking to automate current methods or create new features, we have the skills and experience to deliver a solution to scales seamlessly across your workflow. We prioritize flexibility so that you get the service that goes hand in hand with your specific needs. Utilize Lumetics custom development services from LINK specialists with vast industry specific experience.

Contract Development
  • Machine Learning Model Development

  • Machine Learning Model Updates

  • Sfactor Cutoff Function Development

  • Morphological Parameter Filter Development

Custom Software/Database Development
  • Request specific development options to add to LINK

  • Custom data processing in the LINK software

  • Lumetics updates software on a bi-weekly basis to include custom feature development

  • LINK Basic Training (1/2 day, up to 10 ppl)

  • Administrator Certification (1 full day, pp)

  • Super User Certification (1 full day, pp)

  • User/Analyst Certification (1 full day, pp)

  • LINK is compatible with over 60 different analytical instruments

  • LINK supports up to 5000 discrete measurements

  • LINK allows you to compare multiple analytical techniques in a single analysis

Many Instruments ⁠— Single Solution 

LINK has an extensive library of data parsers that allows data extraction directly from a wide range of instrument data files and custom data sources. This data is copied directly to an on-premise database that provides a powerful interface for aggregation, analysis, and reporting. Thousands of sample datasets from hundreds of instruments are easily combined into comprehensive and fully customizable analysis reports.

LINK’s powerful data import engine supports all commonly used instruments, Excel Spreadsheets and analytical techniques, including:

  • Flow Microscopy – FlowCAM, MFI, iSpect DIA

  • Raman / LIBS – Hound, Morphologi G3

  • Static Imaging – Eyecon, HORIZON/Aura, Keyence VHX

  • NTA – NanoSight

  • RMM – Archimedes

  • THC – xSight (Spheryx, Inc.)

  • LO – AccuSizer SPOS, HIAC, Klotz, PAMAS, Bionter

  • Coulter Counter – MultiSizer, Spectradyne nCS1

  • DLS – DynaPro, Litesizer, Zetasizer, Uncle

  • SLS – MasterSizer

  • HPLC – AKTA, ASTRA SEC-MALS, OpenLAB/ChemStation, Empower

  • Electrophoresis – LabChip, iCE2/3 (via Empower), Maurice

  • Filter Characterization – PendoTECH

  • Circular Dichroism (CD) – Chirascan, JASCO

  • UV-VIS – Agilent 8453, Lunatic, Shimadzhu, SpectraMax/SoftMax, Trinean, Varioskan, S2 PICOFOX

  • Slope Spectroscopy – SoloVPE

  • FTIR Spectroscopy – Antaris, Bruker FT-IR

  • Plate Reader – SpectraMax, NEPHELOstar

  • DSC/DSF – MicroCal (Origin & PEAQ), TA Instruments, Uncle, Protein Thermal Shift Software

  • NanoDSF – Prometheus

  • qPCR – CFX96 Touch

  • Lyo – LyoStar, Millrock

  • Modules – TDLAS, RGA, FLIR

  • Viscometers – Honeybun, m-VROC, VROC initium

  • External Database Systems – LEA

  • Dissolution Profiles – AuPRO

  • Workspace – WSP FlowJo, FCS, OMIQ CSV

* LINK also supports Excel worksheets when utilizing he Lumetics Excel worksheet template. If your instrument is not listed, please contact Lumetics to discuss your application. We are constantly adding new instruments and applications to our growing portfolio! For some instruments, a template is necessary. Download specific instrument templates below:

Interested in Learning More?

Download the Lumetics LINK™ brochure, sign-up for our newsletter, or contact us to learn more about LINK software

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